Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gold star for the first guest blogger!!!!!

So what will I quit first.......blogging on here or running?!?!?! Oh wait, with Monica's help I won't quit either of them. And yes I am a male-viewer of your blog and voted for Hayes more than once!!!

I started running again about two weeks ago with a goal of getting in shape, slimming my waistline, and allowing myself to continue to eat junk. Today was run #4. I have a "loop" that I run which is about 2 miles (I think) and today took me about 18:30. I feel like I am going really slow, but if I go faster my chest will explode. I hate running unless I'm playing basketball.

And this is...............Bryan B.


  1. Go, Bryan, go! I am cheering for you... even though I think you're perfect already. xoxo... your wife! (the one who doesn't excercise!!!)

  2. Oh, and Monica, you already look beautiful, too. But keep up the great work. By the way, we're having cupcakes on Sunday for Delaney's second birthday. I will save one for you if you want! :) xoxoxo

  3. So how often are you going to run? 2 weeks and run #4... so I'm guessing 2x a week? Give me the specifics so that I can give you a hard time if you're not running! :)

    Please tell me you don't wear a head sweatband! My neighbor wears one and it's terrible! Just awful! :)
